
Dental Acupuncture in Swansea

Acupuncture has a long historical background – it has been known in China for at least 3-4000 years. 
Traditional acupuncture has steadily grown in popularity in the UK since the 1970s.
Acupuncture works, clinical evidence and controlled trials demonstrate this. The results even today can be surprising.

What is Acupuncture

It is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians). It is used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.

Treatment is designed to affect your whole being as well as your symptoms so, as the condition being treated improves, you may notice other health problems resolve and have an increased 
feeling of wellbeing.

Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as the needles are adjusted to direct Qi. While the needles are in place most people feel deeply relaxed which can continue after they are removed.

Are there any side effects?

Occasionally a small bruise can appear at a needle site. Sometimes people can feel dizzy or tired after a treatment, but this passes quickly.

We can currently treat 

Dental anxiety
Gag reflex
Acute pain/TMJ problems/Bruxism

An initial consultation will be needed to discuss the issues you are having and assess whether dental acupuncture may be suitable.
The Dentist may diagnose TMJ/Bruxism and refer to our Dental Therapist for a course of treatment
For problems with gag reflex or dental anxiety you can see our Dental Therapist for a consultation.
Dental Acupuncture works for around 90% of people extremely well and can allow patients to have treatment that they have been unable to receive without sedation or even GA in general practice before.

Visit Manor Road Dental Practice Ltd in Swansea for dental cleaning, cavity filling, crowns, root canal treatment and other general dentistry services. Call us on

01792 653 826

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