You know that certain foods can eat away at the enamel in your teeth, but what about a diet for healthier teeth? Just as there are foods that will destroy, there are others that help build up teeth and keep them safe from decay. Here are five of those things:
1. Dairy Products
Many people have grown up with the knowledge that milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products are full of calcium, but did you know they also help add other minerals to your teeth and bones. In fact, dairy products can even help restore damaged tooth enamel. Cheese has an additional benefit; it increases saliva production, which is your mouth’s natural defence against cavities.
2. Fruits and Vegetables with Plenty of Fibre
High levels of fibre are useful for cleaning teeth, as well as increasing saliva. Eating a piece of fruit or vegetable with plenty of fibre after a meal, especially a starchy one, will help remove sugars from the surface of the teeth and then wash it away with bacteria fighting saliva. Try apples, pears, broccoli, and celery to start out with.
3. Healthy Seeds
Foods with magnesium in them, such as pumpkin seeds, can be great for your mouth. The remineralisation process in the mouth, which rebuilds the enamel on teeth, is dependent upon magnesium. If you don’t have enough of this mineral in your body, you can end up with teeth that wear down faster and are more prone to decay. Just sprinkle some seeds on your regular meals or in a smoothie to reap the benefits.
4. Seafood
Phosphorus and calcium are both key to building strong healthy teeth and many seafoods include both these minerals. If you are avoiding dairy products, you’ll want to include things like clams and oysters, salmon and shrimp in your diet to ensure you’re ingesting enough calcium and other nutrients.
5. Leafy Greens
Spinach, kale, broccoli, and other leafy greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, and other necessary minerals to keep your teeth healthy. Include at least one large serving of leafy greens in your diet daily, as they are great for the rest of the body, as well. You can add them to smoothies and to regular dishes if you don’t like to eat these vegetables plain.
Now that you know what foods are best for your mouth and how to keep your teeth happy and healthy, try to incorporate these into your diet on a regular basis. However, don’t forget that proper dental care is also essential and these two should not be mutually exclusive.
Contact Manor Road Dentists for more information on how to keep your teeth happy and cavity-free.